3 min read

The Best Small Business Memes for 2024

By Haley Davidson

Founder & Content Strategist, Gaia Content

Running a business isn't a joke! It can be super stressful for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and freelancers. 🥴

Funny memes can help you laugh at yourself and connect with others on the same journey. Especially now, funny memes bring small business owners together and help them see past mistakes positively. 😮‍💨

Check out these relatable memes for small business owners, freelancers, startup folks, and anyone wanting a break from corporate life. Enjoy the humor whether you're running a side hustle, your own business, or a brick-and-mortar business! 🤣🙌

Memes for small business owners 😸

Small business owners are known for their ability to see what’s trending, but we may surprise you with some of these amazing memes about owning a business!

1. When no one truly knows what you do

 When no one truly knows what you do - Meme

While it feels like you’re carrying the world on your shoulders, don’t forget what your mom thinks you do!

🔗 From Raising Sails on Pinterest

2. When getting praise means the world

When getting praise means the world - Meme

With all the negative comments and feedback, hearing praise and compliments can be life-changing.

🔗 From BoredPanda

3. For those who started their business in March 2020

For those who started their business in March 2020 - Meme

Hindsight is 20/20. COVID-19 shut down the world, and you’re not alone in your struggle.

🔗 From Jacob Rush of ViaNolaVie

4. Stop pretending it’s all puppies and rainbows!

Stop pretending it’s all puppies and rainbows! - Meme

It’s 2024 - it’s time to stop pretending that small businesses are easy to start and always a blast to run.

🔗 From SmallBusinessHeroes on Pinterest

5. When your Canva skills pay off

When your Canva skills pay off - Meme

Once you’ve got business cards, brochures, and flyers, you’ll feel like you’re on top of the world!

🔗 From ImpactMyBiz

Memes about freelancing 😸

Freelancing is all about balance and control, so add some fun to the mix with these freelancing memes!

6. When pricing yourself fairly goes wrong

When pricing yourself fairly goes wrong - Meme

It’s important to know your worth, but not all potential clients are going to like it.

🔗 By Mike on Pleated Jeans

7. When business is slow

When business is slow - Meme

Since freelancing doesn’t typically guarantee the number of hours, number of clients, or a steady income, we’ve all been there...

🔗 From Legiit

8. If you’re looking to freelance, but your 9-5 says otherwise

If you’re looking to freelance, but your 9-5 says otherwise - Meme

Freelancing is super attractive for multiple reasons - after all, you get to be your own boss! Just don’t tell your 9-5.

🔗 From Pangea

9. Trying to explain to your family what you do be like

Trying to explain to your family what you do be like - Meme

Family and friends’ events are always an occasion... especially when someone asks what you do for a living as a freelancer.

🔗 From Pangea

10. Clients when “It’s only a little change!”

Clients when It’s only a little change - Meme

That hefty client payment is so close, yet so far... they only want a “small fix”, is that okay?

🔗 By Monica Galvan at Flux Academy

Memes about entrepreneurship and startups 😸

Startup culture is often hyper-competitive and ultra-tiring. Let’s take a break from thinking about client budgets and target audiences.

11. When another project calls your name

When another project calls your name - Meme

Oh man, I love this current business idea - wait, what’s that?!

🔗 From FoundersBeta

12. When those “Be an entrepreneur in 5 minutes” courses catch up to you

When those Be an entrepreneur in 5 minutes courses catch up to you - Meme

Truthfully, becoming an entrepreneur is never as easy as learning to do it in one online course, but we’ve all been there.

🔗 From Following Fulfillment on Pinterest

13. When marketing becomes more of a chore than innovating

When marketing becomes more of a chore than innovating - Meme

You added a new feature? Yay! Now it’s time to market that feature to your customers.. right?

🔗 From FoundersBeta

14. When the student becomes the teacher, entrepreneurship-style

When the student becomes the teacher, entrepreneurship-style - Meme

Even the best of entrepreneurs were once in your shoes.

🔗 From Tina Costanza via Silicon Republic

15. Those 40-hour workweek days seem so far away...

Those 40-hour workweek days seem so far away - Meme

Especially as your business is in its beginning stages, working only 40 hours a week may seem like a dream!

🔗 From eWomen Network

Memes about 9-5 jobs 😸

If you’re still stuck in your corporate job or if you’ve recently left and you’re looking back, you’ll love these memes about the 9-5 office life.

16. When the hours struggle to go by

When the hours struggle to go by - Meme

Ring the bells! Hear the angels sing! The day is almost over!

🔗 From BoredPanda

17. Why is it always so cold in the office?!

Why is it always so cold in the office - Meme

If you work from home, you probably don’t realize the luxury you have since you get to adjust your surroundings to your liking - the office is either too hot or too cold!

🔗 From Ada Elder on Cheezburger

18. Realizing that a 9-5 job is actually kinda rare

Realizing that a 9-5 job is actually kinda rare - Meme

Between your commute and the not-so-occasional “Can you stay later?” request from your boss, you’re quickly realizing that your 9-5 is a bit of a lie.

🔗 From Know Your Meme

19. Times have changed!

Times have changed - Meme

“Back then”, a 9-5 could feed a family of four. Oh, have things changed...

🔗 From QuickMeme

20. When you need to remember your needs

When you need to remember your needs - Meme

At a 9-5, you only get so much of a break - so make sure to take your full lunch break! You deserve it.

🔗 From BoredPanda

Want more business insights? 💸

Here at Relay 💚, we aim to make business banking easier for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners. Our “On The Money” newsletter is perfect for those aiming to learn more about the small business world - from finance news to marketing strategies.

Additionally, Relay has compiled resources for entrepreneurs and leaders. Check out the best entrepreneurship podcasts of 2024, or if you’re more into traditional reading, we’ve got the best leadership books of 2024 too! 📗